What to Expect From Your First Adult Swimming Lesson

Adult swim lessons can be exciting but also feel nerve-wracking. You may wonder what you should expect from your first lesson. Knowing what to expect will help you to prepare. The YouTube video delves deeper into the topic and discusses what adult swim lessons are.

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Introductory Swim Lesson

Firstly, your instructor will introduce themselves to you. They will familiarize you with the swimming pool, safety equipment, rules in the facility, how to enter and exit the pool safely, and also discuss your previous experience and comfort level. Your initial swim lesson will focus on safety knowledge, ability, and equipment location.

Next, the instructor will conduct a formal assessment to determine your skill level. During this phase, you will perform basic functions such as floating, kicking, and arm movements. It helps the instructor formulate swimming lessons catered to your ability and needs. It will be your starting point and the foundation of your lessons.

You’ll have your first practice lesson if you’re ready based on your assessment. After becoming more comfortable and confident with the basic techniques, the instructor will gradually introduce more complicated techniques and allow you time to master them before moving on.

You’ll have time to reflect on the lesson afterward. During this stage, your instructor will review your success and which areas you need to focus on. Lastly, you have homework to do.


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